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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Alex Eckstorm's Advice to Young Actors

Barbizon Midwest of MI graduate Alex Eckstorm
Alex Eckstorm graduated from Barbizon Midwest of Midland, Michigan when he was 16 years old. In 2011, Alex went on the Passport to Discovery cruise where he met his current manager and was also awarded scholarship to the New York Academy for the Dramatic Arts. Alex graciously took the time to check-in with us to let us know how he has been doing since Barbizon Midwest.

Currently living in New York City, Alex attends the prestigious New York Academy for the Dramatic Arts where he received his scholarship. Although the school has a policy restricting first year students from auditioning, Alex looks forward to his second year when he will be able to audition more.

He is also taking classes with Adam Hill, who resides in Los Angeles. Robert Blume from Step Forward Entertainment is Alex's manager and Alex had nothing but positive words for him.

"I have met a lot of interesting people through my manager who is also the Executive Producer for the Drama Desk Awards for Broadway shows."

So, what else has Alex been up to?

"In the summer of 2012 I worked on lots of independent films back in Michigan, before I moved to New York in August. I will hopefully be directing a play for a friend I met through my manager, called 'Purchase to Dream.' Until then, I am taking acting classes and learning it all."

Alex offered us valuable advice that every current student and graduate pursuing careers in the industry should take to heart:

"Don't let others define who you are, you know who you are so be honest with everything you do, even if you fail you have plenty of chances to audition for the role that will eventually value you. 

Listen and pay attention to the smallest voice in your mind, not the shout, 'When people don't listen it isn't that they don't learn, but they deny themselves tremendous opportunities' - Steven Spielberg.

Be nice to the entire crew on set whether it be the Production Manager or the caterer, each person is there to support whatever you're doing, and take nothing for granted. Michael Caine once said, 'If you can imagine yourself doing any other profession, then acting is not for you.' Take that to heart as you learn and admire your craft."

Check out one of Alex's Independent Films, "The Kings of Wildly," from Summer 2012:

It is always so rewarding for us to hear from our graduates, and Alex we so appreciate your time and advice. The world is at your feet and we know you have an extremely bright future ahead. Please keep in touch as we love to follow and support your continued success.

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